Saturday, January 4, 2020

January 2020

So much time has passed since my last blog in 2017 and so much has transpired.  There were many ups and downs emotionally.  I retired January 5, 2018- a big event for me after working 26 years for Kutztown University.  I was very relieved and glad to retire, it was a stressful environment and one I was ready to leave behind.  I was adamant about moving to Pittsburgh to be close to Becky, our only child, and her family.  So 2018 and 2019 were transition years. 

Soon after I retired my Dad became ill.  I made constant trips from Shoey to Corfu or Pittsburgh to Corfu as his health and my Mom's emotional state grew worse. It was a rocky Spring with my Dad not doing well, searching for a house to buy, preparing a house to sell.  My Dad passed away on June 1st 2018.  I never knew what emotions I would feel in losing a parent, it was hard to separate everything that was changing so fast in my life. 
We had just closed on our Irwin house in mid-May and we were trying to prepare for the work ahead.  There were so many unknowns.
I think the process of going through major renovations, and selling a house kept me so busy that it covered up the grieving for a while.   This renovation was a major undertaking that involved moving the kitchen, redoing plumbing and electrical, siding, landscaping, new bathroom, new furnace and the list seemed to go on.  At the same time I was preparing our Shoemakersville house for sale- painting, stripping wall paper, doing some outside maintenance, etc.

 Our house  in Shoey sold in July of 2018 and we officially moved into our Pittsburgh home in October of 2018.  July 2018 was also the month that we had our memorial for Dad.  So many highs and lows seemed to collide, I don't really know how I got through that - it had to be the grace of God. 

We have never regretted our move.  Our neighbors are wonderful and people are so much friendlier than what we experienced in Berks county.  Becky is only 8 miles away and we live on a dead end street that seems like we are in the country, but in reality we are only 20 minutes from downtown Pittsburgh.  The backyard deck provides a woodland view with turkeys, deer, birds and even coyotes!

We have joined a local chapter ofAARP and have gone on many fun trips with them.  We even went to Dollywood area in September 2019.  This spring we will be going to Virginia Beach, and then have some local trips planned in the Fall.  This year of 2020 seems to be quit different.  Our house projects are really small ones now and both Dave and I are working again to keep ourselves busy and have some extra spending money. I get to watch the grand kids, especially Eddie who is only 6 as much as Becky needs me.  It was so nice to have them during the summer for 2-3 days each week. We have been in our new home a little over a year, the time has flown by.  I take trips to Corfu as much as possible to be with Mom.  She is physically well, but emotionally not the same since Dad passed away.  Mike and his wife bought the house sort of, and moved in with her in late August of 2018 which was a really hard transition for Mom.  I wish I could have been up there more with her to oversee things, I feel bad that she is not happy with her living environment.  She no longer feels like the women of the house and really misses taking care of Dad, even though he was a very difficult man to live with.  I can't believe it will be two years this June since his passing.  Mom turned 88 on December 19 2019, and I was happy to be with her for that.  I think of her every day, and even though the trip is now 4 hours instead of 5 1/2, it seems like it is physically harder for me to do the trip, but I know I will as long as the Lord is willing.  I ask the Lords blessing for the year ahead, for our family and our community.  I'm sure new experiences will occur, and as always look forward to meeting any challenges with an open spirit of gratitude for everything that we have in our lives.


Its time to catch up with our adventures (not hiking though) from this past year.  In 2016 Dave got his core health issues turned around after many close calls.  2017 allowed us to put our focus on finishing the remodeling work on our New York family home.  I never thought it would be finished, especially since Dave did so much more than I expected.  After a new kitchen, bathroom, electrical, plumbing, heating, wall boarding, painting, siding, windows, and the list kept going on, but our goal was completed.  It was a biter sweet ending to a long number of years working on a home that was a 5+ hour drive away from our home base while working jobs ourselves.  From April through June one or both of us made the drive every weekend.  After a while it became a normal routine, so when it finally ended in July it was almost surreal.  Our house went on the market shortly after July 4th and we had a solid offer in less than a week.

 This house was home for my husband and his family during the last 68 years.  Jesse and Leonard, his parents moved in July of 1949 when Dave was only a year old.

We have many memories of family gatherings
