Friday, March 1, 2013

March 1st is here, and so is the flu.  Waiting for Spring to begin and lead us on some new paths.  Hope to get to Jim Thorpe area later this month and hit a few trails in that area.  The snow geese and canadian geese have been echoing their haunting language and remind us of the changing season, of the renewal of life to come.  How appropriate as I await the birth of our second grandchild, a boy, a grandson to join his sister Shelby.  As the lengthening of days continues, and the sun soaks its rays a little more penetrating to the fresh ground of March, we have hope of many things to be thankful for.  My sweet sis, I have faith for brighter days ahead, and release from daily struggles that have hung on for so long.  It is time for the brighter days of Spring to lighten our hearts, for the many lit candles in the darkness to give way to sunshine, and for the simple joy of the new season to come make our souls feel happy.

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