Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Iroquois Wildlife Refuge

March 30th was a Sunny but windy day in Western New York to visit the Iroquois Wildlife Refuge.  Me and my Dad took a ride to the Eagle lookout.  The eggs had not hatched yet, if you look closely you can see the top of the white head of the mama sitting on the nest. 
You can see the male sitting on the lower limb.  This camera shot was taken from about a half mile away.
Hope this nest is successful and eaglets hatch soon.  WNY has an every inceasing number of Eagles.  What a contrast to the 70s; thank goodness for the ban on DDT.  Hopefully we see them for many generations to come, and that future generations don't take them for granted.
Large flocks of canadian geese filled the marsh, along with swans and ducks of all kinds.

If you ever get out to WNY, the Iroquois Refuge is a good spot to check out.

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